Thursday 21 August 2014

马六甲生活的艺术快乐课程 The Art of Living Happiness Program Melaka


上课地点:Malim Econsave 隔排店屋Malim Eyecare楼上(三楼)

The Art of Living Happiness Program 
The central - piece of the Art of living Happiness program is a unique and profound breathing technique. A practical tool that restores body, mind and spirit into its natural rhythm of being, the SudarshanKriya has positively transformed millions and millions of lives.
Its uniqueness is not only in its performance, but also in its formation as His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar emerged with the SudarshanKriya after a ten - day silence period.
Along with SudarshanKriya, other powerful breathing techniques, yoga and meditation taught in the interactive sessions of the Happiness Program is all that you need for an experience of happiness like never before.
2nd - 7th September 2014 (6 days course)
Tues - Fri 7.30pm to 10.30pm
Sat 2pm - 7pm
Sun 9am - 5pm
Course Fee: 350
Lee Li 0163666456
Koppi 0105055173

Location : Shoplot next to Malim Econsave, Malim Eyecare (2rd floor)

Tuesday 23 July 2013

自然三摩地靜心法 Art of Meditation Sahaj Samadhi

Art of Meditation Sahaj Samadhi

Date: 19 - 21 August (3 days)
Time : 7.00pm to 10.00pm (3 hours)
Venue : The Art of Living Muar Center
Fee : RM250, course revision via donation 
Contact : Koppi 017-6159816, Lee Li 016-3666456

*open for public to register. you are welcome to brings friends and family (include those who have never attended any Art of Living Courses)

Connect to the Source

The Art of Meditation (AOM) is a powerful yet effortless technique that allows the conscious mind to experience the silent depths of its own nature. AOM is also known as Sahaj Samadhi. Sahaj, in Sanskrit, means effortless and Samadhi is the silent yet lively state of awareness that lies at the source of thought – a state beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming that is an unlimited reservoir of energy, intelligence and creative power and a place of infinite peace and tranquility.
During your AOM practice the mind effortlessly experiences this state of Samadhi. Upon finishing your meditation you will find that you feel infused with these qualities of energy, clarity, creativity and perhaps most importantly, deep inner peace.

Easy to Learn

AOM is a simple mental practice that can be easily learned by anyone who can think a thought. With only two 20-minute daily sessions AOM brings profound transformation to your life. If you’re thinking: “But I don’t have 20 minutes twice a day!”
 No need to worry. The improved clarity of mind AOM brings will augment your efficiency manifold resulting in increased productivity and accomplishment with much less wasted effort.

Personalized Instruction

Although AOM is easy to learn it requires personalized instruction from a qualified teacher. It is not something that can be learned from a book. All AOM teachers have been personally trained and qualified by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in a rigorous course of study so that they can teach you this effortless technique in a precise, systematic way for maximum results. In fact, it is taught in the exact same way that it has been taught for thousands of years through a long tradition of Masters out of India.

Intructor — Rishi Vidhyadhar
Rishi Vidhyadhar is one of the world's most inspirational speakers, and is a senior teacher with the Art of Living Foundation.
A "Rishi" is a seer of spiritual truth, and "Vidhyadhar" means Beholder of Knowledge. Traditionally, the Rishis were the ancient seers to whom the Vedas were revealed, however this timeless wisdom is now undergoing a massive global revival.
Rishi Vidhyadhar completely embodies this knowledge. He now travels the world full-time, sharing the secrets of science and spirituality with whoever he meets. And for those who simply feel the desire to know a little more about the Self or the Universe, don't miss this rare opportunity to attend the Sahaj Meditation Course with Rishiji.




自然三摩地靜心法 : 深度的休息





自然三摩地 (Sahaj Samadhi) 靜心法


自然三摩地意味不費力的超越。參與者學習放下所有的緊張及壓力,提供心智亟需的深度休息,令清醒的心智安頓於本我深處。它能在短時間裡鬆弛緊繃的神 經、釋放壓力,使頭腦獲得深度休息與充電,由波動的負面情緒中回復平靜,同時滋養內在性靈、強化體能與免疫力、延緩老化,並開發未知潛能。


自然三摩地靜心法源自吠陀傳統,來自印度開悟聖者古儒吉大師(Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)的證悟心得。它提供一種令人訝異、簡單、優雅、卻又毫不費心力的過程,有異於市面上其他均需某種層次心理工作的冥想法門。靜心並非思考有 興趣的主題。那種沉思形態的價值在提供不同角度的省思,其心智仍滯留於文字與觀念層面。自然三摩地靜心法使心智脫離所有表層概念,帶引你回歸本我覺知與寧 靜。這種體驗無法靠人為的努力產生,因為本我不是外在的任何目標。有效的靜心法並非任何形式的努力或集中,誠如古儒吉大師所言,自然三摩地靜心法是反集中 的!雖然集中與專注是它在日常生活中的效益。





指导老师-Rishi Vidhyadhar 

上述課程將由Rishi Vidhyadhar主持,Rishi是印度人對聖哲或仙人的尊稱,其名字的含義是融會貫通古老吠陀智慧的智者。Rishi經常被委派主持印尼峇厘島的國際高級課程,講課風趣幽默,充滿睿智。

Monday 22 July 2013

马六甲八月健康快樂課程(初級課程) Melaka Aug Waves of Happiness (Part 1 course )

Inline image 1

Live with Joy, Purpose and Confidence

Within you lies vast, untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered. Through the Art of Living Course this potential is set free and you gain a greater vision of who you are. You find you have the power to create a joyous life that is on-purpose, the confidence to stretch and grow beyond limiting beliefs, and the ability to lead a deeply fulfilling life.
The Challenge is in the Mind
In today’s demanding, distracting world the mind is stuck in the past and the future. But happiness is here and now. It cannot be experienced when one is stuck regretting yesterday or worried about tomorrow. During the Art of Living Course you will discover your unlimited power and freedom - not as a concept, but as a direct experience.
The Solution is in: Sudarshan Kriya
The centerpiece of the Art of Living Course is the Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful technique that uses specific, natural rhythms to get you unstuck.  Sudarshan Kriya, time tested based on ancient Vedic knowledge, yields continued growth.
Tools for Your Expanded Life
As an Art of Living Part 1 Course participant you will learn to master several practical and powerful tools that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Please share this joy with your friends and family.

健康快樂課程(即Part I、初級課程或淨化呼吸法課程 )

人们往往低估压力对於生命的不良影响:常常我们的心会紧抓住过往的愤怒、罪恶感或是悔恨,要不就是对於未来充满了焦虑与烦恼。这种心灵的不安摆荡对 我们自己和身边的人都会造成紧张、压力,也让我们自己的行动成效大打折扣。呼吸是身体与心灵连结的桥梁,因此亦是处理心灵与情绪问题,同时是释放我们内在 真正潜能的一把钥匙,无论我们是处在工作中、家庭里、或休闲的状态。
. 处理日常生活挑战的实用宝典
. 人际互动的练习
. 瑜珈、伸展及放松等的练习
. 引导静心,以及威力超强的呼吸法
. 净化呼吸法 (Sudarshan Kriya®),一种独特的呼吸法门
消除压力 ─ 更开心、快乐与热忱 ─ 无论在工作上或是在家里,做事效率都提升 ─ 更能尊重自己 ─ 健康改善,更有幸福感 ─人际互动技巧提升 ─更清晰的觉知和决策力 ─ 神采飞扬,更美丽 ─ 逆转老化,恢复青春活力。

Course Date课程日期
13/08 (Tues~18/08 (Sun)
TuestoFri五:7.30PM 10.30PM
Sat六:2.00PM 7.00PM
Sun日:9.00AM 5.00PM

Lee Li  莉丽    016-3666456
Koppi  小琬    017-6159816

 Melaka Malim AOL Center 马六甲生活的艺术中心
Next to Econsave隔排店,
Malim EyeCare眼鏡店樓上

(2nd Floor 三樓)

Thursday 18 July 2013

自然三摩地靜心法 Art of Meditation Sahaj Samadhi

Inline image 1




自然三摩地靜心法 : 深度的休息





自然三摩地 (Sahaj Samadhi) 靜心法


自然三摩地意味不費力的超越。參與者學習放下所有的緊張及壓力,提供心智亟需的深度休息,令清醒的心智安頓於本我深處。它能在短時間裡鬆弛緊繃的神 經、釋放壓力,使頭腦獲得深度休息與充電,由波動的負面情緒中回復平靜,同時滋養內在性靈、強化體能與免疫力、延緩老化,並開發未知潛能。


自然三摩地靜心法源自吠陀傳統,來自印度開悟聖者古儒吉大師(Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)的證悟心得。它提供一種令人訝異、簡單、優雅、卻又毫不費心力的過程,有異於市面上其他均需某種層次心理工作的冥想法門。靜心並非思考有 興趣的主題。那種沉思形態的價值在提供不同角度的省思,其心智仍滯留於文字與觀念層面。自然三摩地靜心法使心智脫離所有表層概念,帶引你回歸本我覺知與寧 靜。這種體驗無法靠人為的努力產生,因為本我不是外在的任何目標。有效的靜心法並非任何形式的努力或集中,誠如古儒吉大師所言,自然三摩地靜心法是反集中 的!雖然集中與專注是它在日常生活中的效益。




指导老师-Rishi Vidhyadhar 
Inline image 1
上述課程將由Rishi Vidhyadhar主持,Rishi是印度人對聖哲或仙人的尊稱,其名字的含義是融會貫通古老吠陀智慧的智者。Rishi經常被委派主持印尼峇厘島的國際高級課程,講課風趣幽默,充滿睿智。

Art of Meditation Sahaj Samadhi

Date: 19 - 21 August (3 days)
Time : 7.00pm to 10.00pm (3 hours)
Venue : The Art of Living Muar Center
Fee : RM250, course revision via donation 
Contact : Koppi 017-6159816, Lee Li 016-3666456

*open for public to register. attached is register form. you are welcome to brings friends and family (include those who have never attended any Art of Living Courses)

Connect to the Source

The Art of Meditation (AOM) is a powerful yet effortless technique that allows the conscious mind to experience the silent depths of its own nature. AOM is also known as Sahaj Samadhi. Sahaj, in Sanskrit, means effortless and Samadhi is the silent yet lively state of awareness  that lies at the source of thought – a state beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming that is an unlimited reservoir of energy, intelligence and creative power and a place of infinite peace and tranquility.
During your AOM practice the mind effortlessly experiences this state of Samadhi. Upon finishing your meditation you will find that you feel infused with these qualities of energy, clarity, creativity and perhaps most importantly, deep inner peace.

Easy to Learn

AOM is a simple mental practice that can be easily learned by anyone who can think a thought. With only two 20-minute daily sessions AOM brings profound transformation to your life. If you’re thinking: “But I don’t have 20 minutes twice a day!”
 No need to worry. The improved clarity of mind AOM brings will augment your efficiency manifold resulting in increased productivity and accomplishment with much less wasted effort.

Personalized Instruction

Although AOM is easy to learn it requires personalized instruction from a qualified teacher. It is not something that can be learned from a book. All AOM teachers have been personally trained and qualified by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in a rigorous course of study so that they can teach you this effortless technique in a precise, systematic way for maximum results. In fact, it is taught in the exact same way that it has been taught for thousands of years through a long tradition of Masters out of India.

Intructor — Rishi Vidhyadhar
Rishi Vidhyadhar is one of the world's most inspirational speakers, and is a senior teacher with the Art of Living Foundation.
A "Rishi" is a seer of spiritual truth, and "Vidhyadhar" means Beholder of Knowledge. Traditionally, the Rishis were the ancient seers to whom the Vedas were revealed, however this timeless wisdom is now undergoing a massive global revival.
Rishi Vidhyadhar completely embodies this knowledge. He now travels the world full-time, sharing the secrets of science and spirituality with whoever he meets. And for those who simply feel the desire to know a little more about the Self or the Universe, don't miss this rare opportunity to attend the Sahaj Meditation Course with Rishiji.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Melaka Malim JULY Part 1 Course 马六甲七月份初级课程

6天初级课程 6 Days course

24个小时 生命力加值! 24 Hours to add on your energy of life

转变自己 感动生活!Change yourself and touch lives!



FREE Introduction Talk 免費课程介紹
7/7 (Sunday日)7.30 PM

 开课时期Course Date:16/07/2013 (Tues~21/07/2013(Sunday)

星期二(Tues)至五(Fri)7.30PM 10.30PM
星期六(Sat)2.00PM 7.00PM

星期日(Sun)9.00AM 5.00PM



  • 减少压力
  • 改善健康
  • 更有精力
  • 增强免疫系统
  • 减少胆固醇水平
  • 更有创意
  • 更清晰的心智
  • 改善睡眠
  • 增进脑力
  • 增强处理挑战的能力

  • 更轻松,和谐及喜悦的人际关系
  • 对社会有更深的归属感
  • 对自身和周围有更多的察觉力
  • 提高耐心
  • 增加信心和自信

Reported benefits of regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya include:

Physical health benefits
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves health and well-being
  • More energy
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Reduces cholesterol levels
Mental health benefits
  • Greater creativity
  • Greater clarity of mind
  • Improves sleep
  • Enhances brain function
  • Improves ability to manage challenging situations
Improved interpersonal relations
  • More ease, joy and harmony in personal and work relationships
  • A deeper sense of community
  • Increases awareness both of self and surroundings
  • Improves patience
  • Increases confidence and self-esteem

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Melaka Malim JUNE Part 1 Course 马六甲六月份初级课程

6天初级课程 6 Days course

呼吸里藏着很多的奥秘 - 从我们出世时的第一个吸气直到离世前的最后一口呼气...那中间没有停顿的一吸一呼,写出了我们美丽的生命故事。


还有让身体放松的简易瑜伽、让心智沉淀的静心、让理智成长的古老生命智慧... 不要错过这六天美丽的生命旅程

FREE Introduction Talk 免費课程介紹16/6 (日)7.30 PM

 开课时期Course Date:18/06/2013 (二Tues


星期二(Tues)至五(Fri):7.30PM 10.30PM
星期六(Sat):2.00PM 7.00PM
星期日(Sun):9.00AM 5.00PM

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Melaka Malim May Part 1 Course 馬六甲五月份初級課程

6天初级课程 6 Days course

24个小时 生命力加值! 24 Hours to add on your energy of life

转变自己 感动生活!Change yourself and touch lives!



FREE Introduction Talk
19/5 (日)7.30 PM
26/5 (日)7.30PM

 开课时期Course Date28/05/2013 (二Tues02/06/2013(日Sunday)

星期二(Tues)至五(Fri):7.30PM 10.30PM
星期六(Sat):2.00PM 7.00PM
星期日(Sun):9.00AM 5.00PM