Wednesday 24 April 2013

Melaka Malim May Part 1 Course 馬六甲五月份初級課程

6天初级课程 6 Days course

24个小时 生命力加值! 24 Hours to add on your energy of life

转变自己 感动生活!Change yourself and touch lives!



FREE Introduction Talk
19/5 (日)7.30 PM
26/5 (日)7.30PM

 开课时期Course Date28/05/2013 (二Tues02/06/2013(日Sunday)

星期二(Tues)至五(Fri):7.30PM 10.30PM
星期六(Sat):2.00PM 7.00PM
星期日(Sun):9.00AM 5.00PM

Tuesday 2 April 2013

How to beat Monday morning blues??

How to beat Monday morning blues?? Make depressing Monday mornings fun ..

Tips to make the most boring job in a wonderful ,enthusiastic way u would ever had it out

Ego is not entirely bad

Despite what you may think, ego is not entirely bad. There is a positive aspect to it. Ego drives you to do work. A person will do a job either out of compassion or out of ego, and most of the work in society is done out of ego. Having said that, ego is also separateness and non-belongingness. It desires to prove and possess and is the shadow of doership. In itself, ego is neither good or bad. It simply is what it is.